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The Delhi High Court has highlighted the necessity for minors to be educated about "virtual touch" in addition to the traditional concepts of "good touch" and "bad touch,"
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Las miembras de la Asociación Mexicana de Mujeres Jueces y Magistradas celebraron el Día Internacional de la Mujer compartiendo videos cortos de concientización sobre los impactos del "techo de cristal" en la vida profesional de las mujeres.
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O presente texto foi escrito para manifestação em mesa redonda destinada a mulheres juízas falantes de língua portuguesa, promovida pela Associação Internacional de Mulheres Juízas- IAWJ em parceria com o grupo Maria Firmina, composto por magistradas ativas e inativas do Tribunal de Justiça do Maranhão,
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El martes 21 de noviembre, la Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Juezas (IAWJ), en colaboración con el Observatorio de Cibercrimen y Evidencia Digital en Investigaciones Criminales (OCEDIC), llevo acabo un seminario web abordando el abuso sexual infantil en linea.
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Our 2023 Fall intern, Karen Medina, reports on the webinar entitled " Accelerating Action toward Equality in Law for Women and Girls by 2030" organized by UN Women.
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For the International Day of Education, Hon. Ms. Justice Hima Kohli of the Supreme Court of India pleads for meaningful gender diversity in legal education and professions. Presenting the case of India, Hon. Ms. Justice Kohli explain why it is important for more women to be able to enter and thrive in the legal field.
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On November 21st, a pivotal online webinar, conducted by the International Association of Women Judges, addressed the pressing issue of online child sexual abuse. Catalina Neme, Deputy Director of OCEDIC (Observatory of Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigation), led a panel of distinguished women leaders combating cybercrime and child abuse.
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Tune in to our latest interview: "Advancing Inclusive Justice in Botswana: Program Insights with Magistrate Kefilwe Resheng" 🇧🇼⚖️ Discover how inclusive justice initiatives are making a difference. Don't miss these valuable insights!
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Tuvimos el grato gusto de entrevistar a la Doctora Claudia Zalazar, integrante de la IAWJ, y actualmente Vocal de la Camara en lo Quinto Civil y Comercial de Cordoba, Argentina. El tema a conversar fue el impacto del cambio climático y sus repercusiones en la salud.
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El cambio climático tiene consecuencias particulares dañinas para las mujeres, y las instituciones sociales influencian de forma profunda en su bienestar y sus opciones de vida
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El Capítulo México de la IAWJ realizo una campaña por el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer.
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This report provides an overview of activities undertaken by the Caribbean Association of Women Judges (CAWJ) relating to the 2024 International Day of Women judges (IDWJ) theme "empathy & action: women and girls in carceral settings".
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For the World Intellectual Property Day, we interviewed Justice Nadia Kangoloo from Trinidad and Tobago. She talked about how the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society of Trinidad and Tobago contributes to gender equality and diversity in areas of intellectual property. She also shared some thoughts on how judges can support gender equality and diversity in areas of intellectual property.
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For this UN Day of this girl child, we had the opportunity to interview Judge Amy Dawson. Judge Dawson is doing a lot of work in improving outcomes for LGBTQIA youth.
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For this UN International Day of Democracy, we had the opportunity to interview Judge Safia Iman from the United Kingdom. The conversation was centered around the interactions between Democracy and the Rule of Law. Judge Iman started with an invitation to reflect on the meaning of this day for each of us because democracy “lies in the consciousness of people”.
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Watch Hon. Judge Tapiwa Moleele talk about the challenges and success of Judicial Training initiatives on LGBT rights in Botswana through IAWJ Promoting Inclusive Justice Project.
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Full title: Child-Inclusive Restorative Justice in the Context of Domestic Violence, Kosovo Legal and Policy Framework. This article focuses on legal and policy framework of the Republic of Kosovo concerning child – inclusive restorative justice in the context of domestic violence.
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In this article, Hon. Judge Joaquim Dominic provides the Tanzanian perspective on the issue of incarcerated women, especially those who are also mothers.
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Judicial officers face emotional stress and burnout, but compassion—sympathy combined with action—helps. Compassionate practices improve court outcomes and support judicial wellbeing and motivation.
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Mtra. Verónica Acacio Trujillo, Líder en Ascenso de la IAWJ, organizo un conversatorio que se llevó a cabo el pasado 30 de noviembre del año 2023, el cual se denominó "Repensando con Jueces y actores vinculados al sistema de justicia, la promoción y protección de derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes con adultos referentes privados de libertad, desde el interés superior",
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This is the summary of the Nabal Thakur vs. The State judgment along with copy of judgment passed by Hon'ble Ms. Justice Swrana Kanta Sharma, Judge High Court of Delhi (India), which is in relation to 'ensure timely medical care of sexual assault victim, preservation of fetus for evidence and digitisation of MLCs for better administration of justice.'
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Hon. Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma, of the Delhi High Court, shared with us a judgement she wrote on whether virginity test conducted on a female in police custody during investigation is in violation of her fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.
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Our summer intern, Alyssa Invernizzi, reports on a webinar organized by NAWJ-USA entitled "Improving the Court’s Response to Neurodiverse Persons"
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Alejandra Vicente, Head of Law at Redress and GQUAL member, advocates for justice for torture victims. Women are underrepresented in the Committee Against Torture, with only 2 out of 10 members. Increased advocacy is helping, but Vicente stresses transparency in nominations, civil society demands, and encouraging qualified women to apply.
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Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma of the Delhi High Court emphasized a strict judicial approach to child sexual harassment, rejecting leniency for offenders to protect victims.
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The Delhi High Court has emphatically stated that it cannot allow the financial circumstances of a girl's parents to become a death sentence for their daughters in cases involving dowry death.
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Derechos de las mujeres a acceder a puestos de jerarquía y autoridad en las organizaciones religiosas.
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Conmemorando el Día Nacional de Derechos de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes en Argentina, la Dra. Susana Medina reflexiona sobre la protección de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes desde el poder judicial.
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Entrevista con la Magistrada Maria Laura Altamiranda donde comparte con nosotros su experiencia desde que se unió a la IAWJ y los muchos beneficios que la Asociación ha proporcionado. #idwj2023 #Mujeresenlajusticia #Mujeresporlajusticia #mujeresjuezas
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Una de nuestras integrantes de la IAWJ, Gloría Marina Pasten, reflexiona sobre este día celebrado el 18 de Septiembre y su estrecha relación con la igualdad de género a nivel nacional (Argentina) como internacional.
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In this article, Hon. Magistrate Jane Ocharo, who is visually impaired, analyzes the achievements and challenges of the Kenyan Judiciary in ensuring inclusion for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).
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En el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial (21/03) se busca con urgencia combatir principalmente el racismo y hacer valer los derechos humanos, en este caso, los derechos humanos de la mujer. Es así que la Jueza Susana Medina comparte con nosotros un artículo interesante sobre este tema y la brecha digital.
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La Semaine du droit, de la justice et du développement, ayant pour thème "Partenariat pour l'impact : Permettre et mobiliser le secteur privé pour le développement durable", s'est déroulée sur trois jours, du 13 au 15 novembre 2023.
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El mes pasado celebramos el Día Internacional del Niño (20 de noviembre), y tuvimos el grato gusto de entrevistar a la Jueza Natalia Molina de Argentina sobre uno de los problemas más importantes hoy en día en todo el mundo que es, el abuso sexual infantil online.
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Para el Día Mundial de la Salud, la Jueza Susana Medina aboga por la implementación de políticas de salud pública tendientes a posibilitar y garantizar el acceso a la salud de las mujeres a lo largo de toda su vida, como así también la educación sexual y reproductiva en niñas y adolescentes.
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Statement of the Nigerian Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) for the International Day of Women Judges under the theme of "Empathy and Action".
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In Feb 2024, IAWJ concluded WILIL workshops with NAWJN in Abuja, Nigeria. Previous workshops in Kenya, Philippines, S. Africa, Mexico aimed at dialogue, data sharing, and solutions for women in law.
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The IAWJ's panel on "Empowering Women in Peace & Security" discussed U.S. efforts to advance gender equity through strategic policies, focusing on women’s role in global justice and security.
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IAWJ Senior Advisor Nancy Hendry spoke on a panel at the Global PILnet Forum 2023. The panel's title was "Ending Impunity for Sextortion: Challenges and Alternatives in Prosecuting Sextortion."
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This webinar focused on the advancements in technology and how this affects legal proceedings. This webinar was conducted by the South African chapter (SAC) of the IAWJ.
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This report, written by Dr. Carolyn Graydon, offers a comprehensive study on gender representation in Pacific judiciaries. The purpose of this report is to provide Pacific women in the judiciary with foundational information that will help inform their future actions regarding gender equality within their jurisdictions.
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This article by the Hon. Simone Walker-McFarlane examines Jamaica’s response to the increasing gender-based violence against women. In doing so, the article seeks to explore societal norms and attitudes, legislative changes, and the court’s response concerning the discrimination of women in this respect.
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In this article, Amie Lewis, Senior Program Officer at IAWJ, provides a reflection on her trip to South Africa as part of the Women in Leadership in Law (WILIL) program funded by Co-Impact. The article delves into the multifaceted challenges faced by women judges, highlighting systemic issues that hinder their professional growth and fulfillment within the judicial system.
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Juezas y Magistradas de Colombia han colaborado con UNODC para la campaña Mujeres en la justicia, mujeres por la justicia conmemorando el Día Internacional de Mujeres Juezas.
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Hon. Juge Aubierge Olivia HUNGBO est Présidente sortante de l'Association Internationale des Femmes Juges du Bénin qu'elle a présidée pendant six (06) ans. Elle partage avec nous ses réalisations durant son mandat.
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Hon. Judge Elmira S. Cruz-Caisido serves as the presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court-Branch 68 in the Phillipines. In this article, she discusses the issue of prison congestion in the Philippines, its specific consequences on women, and the actions being taken to address this pressing problem.
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In this article, Hon. Judge Fargas discusses her journey to the bench as a Presiding Family Court Judge in Philippines. She also outlines the challenges and actions of her country in caring for children in conflict with the law.
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Hon. Justice Mujibat Iyabode Oshodi assumed the role of a Judge in the High Court of Lagos State, Nigeria, on the 31st of December 2021. In this blog series, she discusses an issue she is passionate about: the inheritance rights of women in Nigeria.
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In this blog series, Hon. Justice Veronica Agboje talks about her career in the Judiciary and analyzes the challenges facing the girl child in Nigeria.
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In this interview, Magistrate Kefilwe Resheng talks about her experience within the IAWJ Inclusive Justice Program in Botswana. She was initially a trainee, but by an unfortunate turn of events, she was tapped to become a trainer in the program. She has since enjoyed her work with the IAWJ, revealing her natural skills as a workshop facilitator.
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Honorable Luvencia Désir est actuellement juge de siège au Tribunal de Première Instance des Gonaïves. Dans cette série elle analyse du fléau des violences conjugales en Haiti.
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La Magistrada Verónica Acacio Trujillo, miembro destacado del Cohorte de Líderes en Ascenso de la IAWJ, ofrece una reflexión profunda sobre cómo fortalecer la igualdad a través de los recursos legales destinados a garantizar la seguridad y la salud de las mujeres en el ámbito laboral, poniendo un énfasis especial en la situación en México
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Hon. Hon. Rosemary Kemunto Onkoba is a Magistrate from Kenya. In this blog series, she is advocating for the welfare of women inmates and the children accompanying them to prison.
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This article highlights World Asylum Day, emphasizing refugee rights, host country responsibilities, and the need for global empathy and support for refugee integration and well-being.
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For the International Day of People of African Descent, Judge Njeri Thuku celebrates and marks the achievements of the African diaspora and interrogates how discrimination takes place to find ways to eliminate it.
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The focus in this article will be on the more recent waves of migration to Trinidad and Tobago. After briefly providing some background information and statistics, it seeks to provide a glimpse into the human rights issues of concern raised by migrant women in our Courts. Thereafter, the article highlights some of the steps in progress to ensure that justice is dispensed effectively.
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On January 19th, 2023, KEMITRAAN Partnership for Governance Reform, an Indonesian based NGO, organized an expert meeting about the phenomenon of sextortion.
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Introducing the premiere podcast episode of “Voices for Inclusive Justice”! 🌟 Join us as we kickstart our podcast journey with a spotlight on our incredible members from the Botswana Chapter. 🇧🇼
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IAWJ reflects on the offerings of CSW68, noting the insights gained, stories of progress shared, and the illuminated path forward to amplify women's voices within the legal system and beyond.
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Este documento argumenta que proteções no local de trabalho excessivamente amplas, a ponto de as distinções entre vários tipos de discriminação se tornarem obscuras, representam um risco significativo de minar os desafios únicos e as desigualdades que as trabalhadoras enfrentam.
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Indigenous Peoples face rights struggles. Efforts in Australia, the Philippines, and New Zealand focus on alternative sentencing, cultural integration, and recognition of Indigenous rights.
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For the UN Nelson Mandela Day, our summer intern, Alyssa Invernizzi reflects on the ties between Affirmative Action and Nelson Mandela's legacy of human right.
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Jordan Frank, interned for the International Association of Women Judges as a part of my school’s end-of-year program, Senior Options. She is the youngest intern that the IAWJ has ever had. In this article, she shared with us what she learned from this experience.
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The paper by Justices Okalany and Kyobiika, presented at the 18th IAWJ Africa Regional Conference, examines judges' roles in eliminating prejudices against women, emphasizing mindset change, legal reforms, and training to promote gender equality and fair legal outcomes.
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On November 21, the presentation of the report "Judicial Independence: Where are we? A subnational analysis" took place in Mexico City. The report was co-published by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Mexico and Mexico Evalua. Additionally, the document "The status of Judicial Independence in Mexico. The budget in the federal entities" by Impunidad Cero was presented.
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In this article, our Fall 2022 Intern, Mikiko Galpin, provides a summary of the webinar organized by IAWJ on December 9th, 2022, entitled " Strengthening Judicial Integrity against Corruption".
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La Jueza Nélida Mariana Isabel Wallace comparte con nosotros su articulo sobre la Justicia ambiental y resignificación de lo femenino en sentidos concurrentes.
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La Jueza Guillermina Matías Garduño, miembro destacado del Cohorte de Líderes en Ascenso, aborda la crucial temática de juzgar con perspectiva de género y su impacto en los tribunales.
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El 21 de Febrero se celebra el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna, donde vemos la importancia de que las lenguas y el multilinguismo son piezas fundamentales para la inclusión. La Jueza Susana Ester Medina comparte con nosotros un articulo destacando la importancia de la lengua materna.
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“La lucha de las mujeres por la paridad de género en los puestos de trabajo y en los distintos ámbitos en que se desarrollan, en conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer”
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Dans cette serie, nous parlons avec l'honorable juge Nourjihen BECHEIKH, sur son histoire et ses passions. Elle discute aussi de la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes en Tunisie.
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This exposé by Hon. Rebecca Naa Shormeh Sittie explores how international and Ghanaian laws shape land rights, the role of judges in enforcing these rights, and the challenges faced in land disputes.
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In this interview, Judge Meenakshi Aggarwal emphasized the critical link between gender equality and women's workplace safety and health. She highlighted that without gender equality, efforts to empower women in various aspects such as nutrition, education, and employment are hindered.
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Dans un récent webinaire, des juges du chapitre haïtien de l'Association internationale des femmes juges (IAWJ) ont partagé leurs expériences, mettant en lumière les défis rencontrés dans le système judiciaire face à la violence croissante en Haïti.
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Judge Karbani reflects on a mock trial in Year 8, sparking her passion. She emphasizes early exposure to the legal profession through structured activities, vital for inspiring diverse future judges.
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Celebrando el Día Internacional de la Educación (24 de enero), la Dra. Marisa Spagnolo comparte en su artículo la importancia del derecho a la educación como derecho humano y explora las diversas formas de discriminación que pueden surgir en el ámbito educativo, destacando la importancia de abordar estos desafíos para garantizar un acceso equitativo y de calidad para todos.
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Dans ce texte, Hon. Juge MUJINGA BIMANSHA Marie-Josée, présente des actions entreprises à La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour lutter contre la criminalisation du VIH SIDA.
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In this blog series, Magistrate Noble emphasizes the importance of using appropriate pronouns in courts to promote dignity and inclusivity for LGBTQIA+ persons, highlighting South Africa's progressive legal framework and the need for sensitivity in addressing diverse gender identities.
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Our Rising Leader, Magistrate Gyamera-Beeko from Ghana, has been admitted to the MSc International Human Rights Law Program at Oxford.
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Loupua Pahulu-Kuli is a Senior Magistrate of Tonga. With a diverse background, she holds a commitment to justice and equality. Her legal career spans teaching, interpreting, private practice, and leadership. Her interest includes the crucial importance of children as the future of society, focusing on Tonga's legal system's limitations in protecting youth offenders' rights.
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In this blog series, Master Jaggernauth discusses her journey in the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the human rights issues affecting women and girls living with HIV in the Caribbean.
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Sydelle Johnson is the Master of the High Court in Trinidad and Tobago. In this series, she discusses her journey to the judiciary and her passions, including her commitment to combating gender-based violence.
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En este Día Internacional de la Justicia Social (20 de Febrero), la Jueza Susana Ester Medina comparte con nosotros un articulo donde reflexiona sobre la importancia de que se proteja y haga valer los derechos humanos de las mujeres.
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En noviembre de 2023, el equipo de programas de la IAWJ (Jane Charles-Voltaire – Directora de Programas, Audrey Cavaness – Oficial de Programas y Alenka Salazar – Coordinadora Legal) tuvieron el privilegio de viajar a la Ciudad de México, con la finalidad de reunirse con el Capítulo México de la IAWJ para comenzar a trazar el rumbo de la iniciativa Mujeres en Liderazgo en la Ley.
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As a young woman with a keen commitment to contributing to fostering change, Alenka Salazar describes her experience working with the IAWJ as undoubtedly nurturing and entirely inspirational."
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This Toolkit was developed as part of a three-year program on “Stopping the Abuse of Power through Sexual Exploitation: Naming, Shaming, and Ending Sextortion,” undertaken by the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) in partnership with the Association of Women Judges in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Philippine Women Judges Association, and the Tanzania Women Judges Association.
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The National Association of Women Judges Nigeria (NAWJN) hosted a transformative workshop with the theme "Breaking Leadership Barriers for Women in the Legal Profession".
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Message from the National Association of Women Judges-Nigeria for the International Day of Women Judges 2023 (#IDWJ2023)
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La Jueza Aida Araceli Villarreal Escovar comparte con nosotros el proceso de su nombramiento como Jueza en México atravez de la Acción Afirmativa.
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In this blog series, Her Worship Bianca Gyamera-Beeko talks about her passions and dreams as an IAWJ Rising Leader. She also discusses how magistrates can use their positions to promote human rights.
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The IAWJ webinar shared strategies from global judges on how to make courtrooms more inclusive and accessible, focusing on gender, disability, and minority rights.
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This article seeks to highlight the strides made by the Courts to protect women and children who are “forcibly displaced and who face a higher risk of gender-based violence” in Trinidad & Tobago.
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L'une des garanties d'un État de droit est un pouvoir judiciaire efficace. Dans cette conjoncture, comment la justice en Haïti protège-t-elle les victimes de violences sexuelles et sexistes ?
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In September 2023, Anne T. Goldstein had the privilege of traveling with IAWJ Program Director Jane Charles-Voltaire to Manila and Tagaytay City to meet with members and the leadership of the Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA) and to identify program targets. This article recounts what they learned.
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Una de nuestros miembros, Adela Perez del Viso, escribe un paper sobre las reflexiones sobre ética para magistrados, en el reciente Código de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
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The Delhi High Court has emphasized that it is inappropriate to employ derogatory terms in legal pleadings that reinforce gender stereotypes and demean individuals based on their gender. Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma has suggested using the 'Handbook on Combating Gender Stereotypes,' recently released by the Supreme Court.
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In this article, Attorney Kathleen Balthrop Havener makes a personal and compelling case for why it is important to include persons with disabilities.
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Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma has issued a series of directives aimed at safeguarding the mental and emotional well-being of prisoners. The Court's rationale is that while incarceration curtails the right to liberty, it should not impede the fundamental human rights of convicts.
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Se deben reconocer y tener en cuenta las diferencias entre los trabajadores y las trabajadoras, así como los roles de género, en orden a identificar los peligros y riesgos a que se encuentran expuestos cada uno de ellos en sus ámbitos laborales.
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On Nov 9, 2023, IAWJ and GQUAL hosted the second webinar on "Gender Parity in Int'l Representation," focusing on "Nomination and Selection Processes of Int'l Tribunals and Monitoring Bodies."
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On February 22, 2023, the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme’s Judicial Integrity Network in ASEAN (JIN ASEAN), hosted a webinar titled “Sextortion: The Impact on Judging and Courts.”
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Claudia Barber, a former judge, critiques the judicial system in her book, addressing financial barriers, media bias, and systemic issues. She advocates for reform and provides practical advice for litigants.
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This article provides a summary of the 2024 C-TIP report. This year's report highlights significant progress in victim identification and convictions, but it also underscores the need for stronger legislative frameworks to prosecute traffickers effectively.
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In December 2023, the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) partnered with GQUAL to host a webinar exploring female representation in African courts and strategies for enhancing accessibility.
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For the UN Day of the Girl Child, we had the privilege to interview Hon. Justice Teresa Doherty from Northern Ireland. Throughput her career she has dealt with both war crimes and cultural traditions that impacted on girls. She took some time to share some of her observations with us.
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In this article for the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Hon. Justice Charmaine Joy Pemberton and Ms. Koya Ryan invite women of all races, colors and creeds, especially women judges, to join together to lead and ensure that such a scourge on humanity will never take place again.
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Justice Helewena Nesru Kedir discusses Ethiopia's extradition framework amid transnational crime challenges. The country collaborates through treaties but faces hurdles like unclear laws and expertise shortages, hindering effective cooperation.
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On September 19, 2024, Human Rights Watch and the IAWJ hosted a panel of distinguished women to discuss the challenges Afghan women judges faced before and after the Taliban’s takeover on August 15, 2021.
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In this article, Hon. Justice Zaynab Bashir attempted an evaluation of the Impact of the Child Rights Act in regulating the rights of a child in Nigeria. It is found that the inhibitions to the full implementation of the Child Rights Act have been in existence even prior to the coming into force of the Act.
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This exposé addresses the dynamic and evolving threats to international peace and security in West Africa, emphasizing the critical role of the rule of law and the judiciary in mitigating challenges.
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The UN Day for Universal Access to Information was created as a day to recall and celebrate the importance of information as the lifeblood of democracy. In this piece, Judge Abigail Holt analyzes the consequences of information technology and artificial intelligence on judicial and legal systems.
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Hon. Lady Justice Hellen Wasilwa's presentation outlines the harmful cultural practices affecting women and provides tools available to women judges to curb these practices. It highlights national and international legal frameworks, key case laws, and practical recommendations for creating a gender-sensitive workplace
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Adelaide Howell argues for more inclusive global justice, addressing biases and disabilities. Inclusivity, a human right, needs representation, inclusive language, and physical accessibility in courts
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IAWJ program intern, Alenka Salazar, reports on a webinar organized by the International Association of Women Judges and GQUAL Campaign titled “Towards Gender Parity in International Representation”. The conversation focused on the challenges to achieve equal representation in the international arena and the strategies to overcome these barriers.
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Listen to Justice Hannah Okwengu sharing the IAWJ Kenya Chapter experience in learning how to deal with trauma in human trafficking cases.
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For the international day against human trafficking, Hon. Magistrate Christine Njagi talks Trauma informed care for women survivors within the Kenyan Judiciary.
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Alyssa Invernizzi, Summer 2023 intern, reports on a webinar organized by ELECT THB Program entitled “Human Trafficking in the Criminal Justice System: Investigate Interviews & Psychological Control”.
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Alyssa Invernizzi, our Summer 2023 Intern, reports on the 2023 DC Bar Wellness Summit. The webinar conceptualized the idea of balancing caregiving, personal life, and work life in the legal field.
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Alyssa Invernizzi, our Summer 2023 intern, reports on a webinar organized by the US State Department on the 2023 TIP Report.
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Alyssa Invernizzi reports on a webinar organized by the US National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) entitled:" Legislative Update: Status of LGBTQ Rights Due to Recent State Laws Across the U.S., Welcoming LGBTQ+ People in Our Courthouses"
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*Disponible en Español* Alenka Salazar Guerrero, Program Intern of the IAWJ, reports on a webinar organized by the World Justice Project entitled: "Mobilizing Communities to Tackle Gender-Based Violence"
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English/Español/Français On August 10 took place the webinar “Mentorship Initiatives: Women Judges Inspiring the Future” organized by the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ). The webinar consisted in sharing the profound impact of mentorship programs led by the national chapters of the IAWJ in Jamaica, South Africa, the Philippines, and the United States of America.
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For this World Humanitarian Day, Hon. Judge Njeri Thuku reflects on women security in conflict settings. She explored the subjects of women combatants through history and around the world. #TheHumanRace #ItTakesAVillage
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In this article, Ms. Omnia Gadalla, LLM, founder of "Her Honor Setting the Bar Initiative" in Egypt, talks about the arduous challenges that women face in legal education and professions in her country.
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On October 26, the Wilson Center hosted a webinar titled "Women in the Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Latin America." Here, Alenka Salazar provides a report on the event.
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Interview with Judge Vanessa Ruiz where she shares with us the wonderful experience of the founding of the International Day of Women Judges and how she looks into the future of women in the judiciary. #Womenjudges #Womeninjustice #Womenforjustice
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A week before the International Day of Women Judges (#IDWJ2023), we interview Judge Carolyn Temin about the founding of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) and why it was important to create the organization.
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In this interview for the International Day of Women Judges (#IDWJ2023), we talked to the Hon. Justice Agnes Murgor. She is the president of the Kenyan Chapter of the IAWJ. She celebrated the achievements of women judges in improving women's access to justice, especially in Kenya. #WomenInJustice #WomenForJustice #IDWJ2023 #iwd2023 #womenday #Womenday2023
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Interview with Judge Blake Powell where she shares with us the many achievements of judges in the Caribbean. #WomenJudges #WomenInJustice #WomenForJustice
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In this article, Ms. Omnia Taher Gadalla discusses the state of women judges’ representations in regional and international courts, and analyze the role of international judicial bodies and organizations in improving women representation on the bench.
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In this article for the UN World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28), Hon. Judge Donaldson-Honeywell highlights certain evolving workplace issues of concern to women. Furthermore, the article proposes solutions that may propel the limits of the law to cover the new frontiers of workplace protection needs for women.
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In this piece, Hon. Justice Maryann Anenih demonstrates the importance of ensuring that the information on Access to Justice is readily available and put in the simplest form possible. That is, a form that is easily comprehended for the benefit of the less educated and less legally exposed, particularly the rural women.
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En el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Juezas (10 de Marzo), la Jueza Aida Araceli Villarreal Escovar reflexiona sobre su experiencia siendo jueza y proporciona consejos para personas que buscan seguir la carrera judicial.
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In this article Hon. Chetna Singh highlights some of the achievements of the South African Chapter of the IAWJ (SAC-IAWJ) in mentoring youth and young professionals.
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في هذا المقال ، تتحدث السيدة أمنية جاد الله ، ماجستير في القانون ، مؤسسة مبادرة "شرفها تضع نقابة المحامين" في مصر ، عن التحديات الشاقة التي تواجهها المرأة في التعليم والمهن القانونية في بلدها.
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ملخص الندوة عبر الإنترنت بعنوان: تعبئة المجتمعات للتصدي للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي
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